Time Realty Work Space
Sydney, Australia

Real estate agents look up for inspiration, where cloud designs fuse with paired-back interiors
Sydney, Australia
Project Size
Bent and Curved Glass Pty, Caroma, Eire Joinery, Noble & Enter Projects
For plans & diagrams
Whilst many workplaces host mundane, boxed offices and an enclosed atmosphere, Time Realty desired an open, inclusive office space that inspired their employees. Enter Projects knew they could make this dream a reality. An open-air plan with fluid dynamics and meandering geometrics defines the space, furniture, material, and lighting of Time Realty’s newly designed office.
Time Realty’s resulting office space is both unique and effective. This successful outcome can largely be attributed to Enter Project’s specific approach by digitalizing and prefabricating the office elements set. This is typical with their design philosophy, as they created an environment that is not only architecturally of the highest quality but is also interchangeable with various sites and potential expansion plans for Time Realty.

To find out more about this project